Lorryn Smit

October 21, 2019

“I knew I’d find you, it was a matter of time. I knew I’d find you, before too long… And I did.” Treetop Flyers


If you follow my blog posts, you’ll remember Hyun Jin & Anemie’s pre-wedding blog. The girl who’s smile launches a 1000 ship’s and her Firefighter who’s love for her keeps them afloat.

This beautiful couple met in 2017 when Annemie (living in South Africa at the time) was researching for a language exchange partner online. In short, she commented on a cute picture of a cat, Jin replied to her comment, and the rest (as the saying goes) is history. “We have been chatting online every single day since that day.” Annemie, an English Teacher, and Hyun Jin, a Firefighter and Rescuer, live in the small, historical city of Gyoengju. They share their home with Gaya, an adult cat they rescued in February of this year. “He is both very naughty and very cute at the same time. We love him very much and cannot imagine our lives without him.” When I asked them what their favorite thing was to do together, they replied “Eat delicious food, drink coffee and eat cake, drive around Korea, watch movies, study our languages together…well basically every single thing we do together is our favorite thing to do together…”

This is the essence of their pictures. They are at their happiest when they are together. 

Hyun Jin and Annemie’s Traditional Wedding Ceremony took place on Saturday, 12 October, in Gyeongju. Known as ‘the museum without walls’, Gyeongju has more historical buildings than any other place in South Korea. It’s a lovely city, dotted with little gems of history everywhere.


The next morning at sunrise (yes at 6 am), we ventured out to the famous Pink Muhly Grass Fields. This ornamental grass blooms in early autumn, creating a mist of pink blossoms on the tips of its blades. Sunrise provided the perfect lighting, creating the illusion of a sea of cotton candy, capturing the romance and tenderness between Jin & Annemie.

Sunflowers are Annemie’s favorite flowers, and as luck would have it, there was a field of them right next to the grass field. Naturally, we made a quick detour and got some awesome shots amongst the bright  yellow blooms. 


Our 2nd location was in an Arboretum with very tall and majestic trees. With a typhoon brewing in Japan and bringing with it some wind to Gyeongju, the clouds came rolling in and out. The light piercing these playful clouds was absolutely amazing through the trees! I used this location and mood to capture Jin and Annemie’s fun and playful side. There is never a loss for words and big smiles between this couple! between Jin and Annemie.

Our final location for the day was the famous Bulguk-sa. Built on a series of stone terraces, and boasting two magnificent bridges, the Temple was the perfect setting to showcase the couples traditional hanbok wedding attire. We arrived around 11 am, which proved to be a very busy time of day with 100’s of tourists all around us. We took this challenge in our stride. Keeping tourists from getting in the way of shots was the job of my trusted assistant for the day, Tiffany. Judging from the serene tranquility in these pictures, I’d say “job well done Tiff!”  

Jin and Annemie, what an absolute pleasure it was taking your pictures. You both share that rare and special “thing” that made my job effortless! Thank you for entrusting me with your memories.

Stay happy <3


[Gyeongju traditional Korean Wedding portraiture]: Hyun Jin & Annemie

 Yours will be finessed to celebrate your love, your destiny.

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